Annouchka Brochet.
Pandora. Unpacking  

Exhibition design

ММОМА, Moscow

358 м2


The project presents a solo exhibition of the contemporary multidisciplinary artist Annouchka Brochet. The exhibition showcases the artist's work over the past 25 years and includes both early works and recent works, some of which were made directly for the project at MMOMA.

The main key to reading the sections of the exhibition is the artist's personality. References to mythological and literary characters found in the sections of the exhibition ultimately lead to the figure of Annouchka herself with her thoughts, life and artistic experience.

The leitmotif of the project was the ancient Greek myth of the first woman Pandora, created by divine will from clay. 

Curator: Victoria Vasilieva
Project manager: Maria Sentsova
Lighting design: Nikolay Vorobyov

Annouchka Brochet.
Pandora. Unpacking 

Exhibition design

ММОМА, Moscow

358 м2


The project presents a solo exhibition of the contemporary multidisciplinary artist Annouchka Brochet. The exhibition showcases the artist's work over the past 25 years and includes both early works and recent works, some of which were made directly for the project at MMOMA.

The main key to reading the sections of the exhibition is the artist's personality. References to mythological and literary characters found in the sections of the exhibition ultimately lead to the figure of Annouchka herself with her thoughts, life and artistic experience.

The leitmotif of the project was the ancient Greek myth of the first woman Pandora, created by divine will from clay. 

Curator: Victoria Vasilieva
Project manager: Maria Sentsova
Lighting design: Nikolay Vorobyov